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Meet Megan


Hi! I'm Megan! 


Confident. Quirky. Hilarious.

Your next sugarista! :)

Super passionate about this hair removal stuff!  I also love my dog, golf, hiking and gratitude.


Want to get to know me more? Find me on instagram making silly reels and posting all the latest info @simplysugaring

How it started...


So it’s 2010 - I’m new to California and I needed to get my brows waxed. I find a local spot in the cool beach town I’m living in - great reviews, can get me in today.. I’m sold.

I hop on the table and my face is soon met with this amber colored goop on the tip of the esthetician’s fingers. No stick, no strip, my brow isn’t on fire... Woah dude! What is this?! SUGARING. My life changed right then and there. It wasn’t hot, it was way less painful, and that awful redness I always got from waxing - non existent.


But wait, there’s more..

This gal says “Have you ever had a brazilian?” Innocent me “What’s that?”


Explanation follows...

Full tomato face blushing “Oh my, no! No one sees that but me. I can’t imagine!” GASP!

I booked an appointment for two weeks later. I’m not going to lie - I don’t remember my first brazilian appointment and I think that’s a good thing because it WASN’T TRAUMATIC! Anyway...


What I do remember is for 13 years straight every 3-6 weeks I’m up on that table getting my sugaring done. It’s magical. Come see for yourself.  I can't wait to meet you!



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