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Fern leaf
  • Can I come on my period?
    Yes! Just pop in a clean tampon when you arrive at the shop. (Reusable cups, disc, etc work great too.)
  • Can I leave some hair? I don’t want to be completely bare.
    Sure! This is a very personal service and it’s customized for you. Want to leave a strip? Maybe a triangle? Consider it done. *Leaving some hair is still considered a brazilian and you will still be charged full brazilain price
  • How long will my results last?
    Results vary from person to person. We have three separate growth cycles, different diets, supplements, hormones, and weeks between appointments can all have an effect on our results. Most people can expect at least two weeks of hair free skin. Keep in mind - after just one brazilian our hair grows back more fine and more sparse. The hair does not grow back prickly or itchy.
  • Is it awkward?
    No. Well, not for me at least. I have been doing brazilians for many years now (seriously, 1000s). Every age, every body type, every labia shape, every stretch mark, every hemorrhoid… I’ve seen it all. I will talk you through the entire process and do my best to make it as easy and pain free as possible. Check my reviews on Facebook and Google - I'm pretty good at this!
  • I’m self conscious of my weight. Can I get sugared? Will I break your table?
    YES you can get sugared. You can 100% trust me with your body! Any shape. Any weight. NO you will NOT break my table. My table can hold up to 450lb. My goal is for you to leave my shop feeling more confident and more sexy than the moment you walked in. One the best parts of my job!
  • When can I have sex or get into the lake/pool/ocean?
    It is recommended to wait at least a full 24 hours after your sugaring to participate in these activities. Maybe even 48 if you have sensitive skin. Waiting a full day allows for the simple healing required after sugaring and you will be less likely to have irritation, infection, bumps, redness, etc. All the things we don’t like.
  • Spray tan before or after?
    AFTER! Sugar paste gives you a gentle exfoliation = better application for a spray tan. On the flip side - sugar paste gives you a gentle exfoliation so your spray tan could be exfoliated off with the dead skin and hair - uneven look of a spray tan. Give yourself 24 - 48 after your sugaring appointment to book your spray tan. Talk to your spray tan provider about his/her preference for best results.
  • Is it painful?
    Sure. Especially your first appointment. Typically my brazilians are done within 10 minutes. We’re women - we can do ANYTHING for 10 minutes. Thankfully, after just one service your hair grows back much finer and more sparse, making your maintenance appointments a breeze. Most people say sugaring is much less painful than waxing. It’s not hot, it doesn’t adhere to live skin and it’s applied the opposite of waxing. This allows for more hair to be pulled directly from the root.
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